In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
~ John 1:1-5
Part of who I am is a child of Christ, a member of his original and only true church founded by his apostles, his first priests. I've been on a journey for several years that has revealed just how poorly we are catechized and why so many have fallen away and lost their chance of eternity in heaven with our Lord. I didn't fall away from faith completely, but I was brainwashed by secular education and not provided a strong enough foundation in the catechism. I doubted much of the Old Testament.
Not anymore. My eyes were opened, the lies shattered; and it has been a liberating experience that cleared the way for deeper devotion.
The word "catholic" is derived from katholikos, the Greek word for "universal" and was first used less than a century after the death of Christ. The Catholic Church is the original church founded by Jesus handed over to Simon Peter, the man referred to by Jesus as the "rock" on which he would found his church (see this chart for church foundings). All the sacraments and prayers were established by Jesus in his ministry and refined over the years; one only has to study the Bible to find their origins. The mass is universal across all nations, hence the name Catholic.
If this turns you off, step back and re-evaluate. Most people who hate the Catholic church hate what they think it is, not what it really is (including former Catholics or lukewarm Catholics, which generally comes from being poorly catechized). Check out the resources on this page and be open-minded to learn something new. It might just transform your life!
On this page, I would like to list some of the resources that have inspired me to a deeper faith and an appreciation for what I took for granted and didn't understand for most of my life and new resources that I continue to discover. This is who I am and what has always been underlying in my writing in themes and allegory, but now has blossomed into something brighter, deeper, more fulfilling in my life, and I hope you will find the same Truth in the Word of God.
I hope these will lead you to a deeper love in the peace and joy of wanting to please our Lord by repenting from sin and seeking to avoid it. Once you experience just a hint of the love of our Lord, you'll want to share that with the world.
Remember, however, that we're also called to humility and discipline in our faith, to avoid sin and seek virtue.
The Holy Bible (Catholic) - Of course, no resources would be complete without first mentioning the Bible, which was originally composed by what came to be known as the Catholic Church. No matter what version of the Catholic Bible you read (New American or Duoay Rheims, or both), you will find the basics of the faith in scripture. And to understand the New Testament, one must first understand the Old Testament, which Jesus references many times in his ministry. I recommend reading all 73 books of the Bible, but keep in mind that outside the Catholic Bible, other Bibles are incomplete (books removed and even some words added to define a heretical agenda).
Note: the Bible isn't meant to be read but to be studied for full appreciation and enlightenment, which often requires research about the cultures at the times it was written. One must also realize the NT was written some years after the death of Christ, originally in Greek and/or Aramaic, which was later translated to Latin and then to English and other languages... Also, be careful of who you trust with Bible study. Too many people don't do the research to have an appropriate understanding or don't look at the full picture and, thus, misinterpret the Bible. I recommend starting with this first video of a Catholic Bible study online: Genesis ~ Introduction to the Book of Genesis. Another is the Bible in a Year by Fr. Mike Schmitz. (More recently, Fr. Chris Alar gave a long presentation on how to read the Bible: Summary of the Bible & How to Read It - Explaining the Faith with Fr. Chris Alar.) One of the most popular Bibles for a more complete understanding is the Ignatius Study Bible (based on the Revised Standard Version Second Catholic Edition (RSV2CE) translation) from Ignatius Press.
The Mystical City of God - Next to the Bible, this book by the Venerable Sr. Mary of Agreda is the single most inspirational text you will ever read. It will enlighten and inspire you to seek virtue and avoid sin. I never understood Marian devotion, although I had prayed to Mary for help as a mother, but in reading this, I am developing a deeper love of Our Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary, and more actively seeking her to help me love her son and the Father and Holy Spirit as they deserve. You'll appreciate what Our Blessed Mother did for us and God's inspiration in anticipating the fall of man with Adam and Eve and what he would have done if they had obeyed God. The book is an examination of the life of Mary from God's creation of everything through her life in all her exemplary virtues, referencing scripture and gospels. Just as the creation story and the rest of Genesis was provided to Moses directly when he was in the presence of God, so too was the life of the Virgin Mary detailed to Mary of Agreda directly by the Virgin Mary and her son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Catechism - Whether you start with the Catechism of the Council of Trent or the Catechism of the Catholic Church, this is where you will find an explanation of the basics of what all Catholics believe and why.
Magnificat - Subscribe to receive monthly books with the daily mass readings (Old and New Testament Bible readings), prayers, and saints. Regular and large print and ebook versions are available, along with covers for the print books. 1-year, 2-year, 4-year subscriptions with and without special seasons (Advent & Lent). Go to
Missal - the Magnificat is a monthly version of the full Missal, which covers the entire year (3 year cycles) of the readings of the Catholic church. If you were to go to church every day for three years, you'd cover the majority of the Bible. The St. Joseph Missal can be found as a set with different books for Sunday and weekdays and special seasons of the church or as the complete Daily Roman Missal. I have the complete Daily Roman Missal with a zip cover and enjoy the extras in the back of it to deepen my faith. This might help you decide: Or you can find the parts of the mass and readings in different Catholic apps (see below).
Divine Mercy in My Soul: The Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska - This is an amazing look at the life of Sister Faustina who received the vision of Jesus Christ, who requested the image of the Divine Mercy to be made and for all to accept his mercy. The diary is an insight of the life of a saint and will inspire you in your journey. You'll see that the saints had to work at the level of grace with which we've come to know them and that they had their own struggles to overcome. It will make your own journey less overwhelming. You'll see that we each have a rough journey towards the level of virtue needed to align our hearts with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, but it is possible.
The Liber Christo Method: A Field Manual For Spiritual Combat - Dan Schneider, Ph.D. is an exorcist assistant and has taken his experience and put it together in a guide that everyone can use to defeat the diabolic in their lives. Whether you are engaged in close combat with the devil or find yourself in need of more “firepower” in your spiritual life, take heart and put into practice the lessons contained in this manual. More than theory or quotes from saints or the Catechism, this manual equips you with the weapons necessary to defeat the ancient enemy. (from book description).
* The Return of the God Hypothesis by Stephen C. Meyer - The author doesn't go into the Biblical story of creation, but he does explain in detail how materialistic and naturalistic science is wrong and how intelligent design makes the most sense of how our universe and life came to be. It is very deep in scientific philosophy and can be heavy reading for non-scientists with explanations of quantum theories, multiverses, string theory, etc.
True Devotion to Mary by St. Louis de Montfort - The author of The Secret of the Rosary and the originator of total consecration to Mary, St. Louis-Marie Grignion De Montfort (1673-1716) remains one of the greatest apostles of Marian devotion the world has ever known. As a young priest, De Montfort dedicated himself to preaching to the people. This highly gifted orator's language was simple but full of divine love, much as you will find in True Devotion to Mary. De Montfort's whole life was marked by constant prayer, love for the poor, and holy joy in humiliations and persecutions. De Montfort was canonized by Pius XII in 1947. In this beautiful and sublimely inspiring book, de Montfort explains the wonderful spiritual effects which true devotion to Mary brings about in a person's life. Available from TAN books in paperback and ebook formats.
- You can find these and other books at some of the shopping links listed below.
(Note: the rest of these resources are listed alphabetically in each category.)
Catholic Apps
Laudate (not the official website, but has info about the app)
Youtube/Rumble channels
(Many also have websites and/or are on Apple or other podcast services and some have spanish versions of their channels.)
Answers in Genesis* (general Christian, focused on answering all the questions about creation)
Armor of God: Spiritual Warfare (clips of advice from exorcists)
Ascension Presents (Catechism, Catholic faith, Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Augustine Institute (Chris Stefanik interviews priests and other Catholic individuals)
Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Bishop Barron (saints, rosaries, Catechism)
Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Catholic Minute (prayers, beliefs, Catholic stories)
Catholic Productions (Biblical studies)
Christians on Youtube (various topics)
City of David (history of Jerusalem and modern archeological efforts)
Daily Inspirations (Catholic stories, priests)
Divine Mercy (Fr. Chris Alar and Marian Helpers)
Father Carlos Martins (The Exorcist Files)
FOCUS Catholic (lectures on life)
G.K. Chesterton Entertainment (Catholic media productions)
Gabi After Hours (Marian devotion, conversion stories, saints)
Heralds of the Gospel (Saints and catechism)
I Miss Christendom (short videos explaining Catholic beliefs)
Jerome Chong (saints)
Journey Deeper (prayers, rosaries)
Journeying With Saints (stories of Catholic Saints)
Keith Nester (apologetics, catechism)
Kristins Crosses (prayers, rosaries)
No Nonsense Catholic (apologetics, catechism)
Sensus Fidelium (homilies, lectures, podcasts)
Sips with Serra (Catholic apologetics from former protestant)
The Catholic Crusade (rosaries, litanies, prayers, novenas)
Uniquely Mary (purgatory)
U.S. Grace Force (podcast of spiritual topics)
Virgin Most Powerful Radio (Catholic discussions of Bible and topics of the day)
Word on Fire Institute (variety of Catholic topics)
Answers In Genesis *
Radio Maria (home of Battle Ready with Fr. Dan Reehil)
Unplanned (movie)
Christian Entertainment Resources
Bibles, sacramentals, rosaries, etc.
Various Posts and Articles
Act of Contrition (3 versions)
Catechism of the Council of Trent (online PDF version)
Catechism of the Council of Trent (online html)
Did Catholics Add 7 Books to the Bible? Or Did Protestants Remove Them? / “Catholics added seven books to the Bible.”
Our Lady of Fatima: History, the Five Prayers Given to the Children at Fatima, and Their Santhood
Proof that the Bible is Real history:
2800 Year old Stone Proves the Bible Is True!
Amazing Historical Evidence of The Red Sea Crossing Found!
Archeological Evidence for the Bible that won't be published in your Lifetime
Atheist Archeologists find out Bible is right
Bible Passage Hidden for 1,500 Years Found With New Tech - Huge Proof It Really Is God's Word
Biblical Find: Fragment May Be Named For Famed Biblical Warrior Gideon
Biblical Proof Found in Stunning Archeological Finds: 'A Tsunami of Evidence'
Biblical Secrets Revealed in the City of David
Experts Confirm Genesis 19, Biblical City Destroyed by Explosion 1,000 Times Larger Than Atomic Bomb
King David-Era Outpost Discovered in Southern Israel
Ron Wyatt Discoveries [2022] Gomorrah, Red Sea Crossing, Mt Sinai, Noah's Ark, Blood of Christ
Scientific Proof of Christ's Crucifixion and How He Suffered - Explaining the Faith, Fr. Chris Alar
Scientists Believe They’ve Found Physical Evidence For One Of The Most Infamous Biblical Stories
The Historical Reality of Jesus — Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermon
Catholic priest explains: Mary is just another woman in the Bible? Use your common sense!
Fr. Chris Alar - Consecration to Mary & the second coming of Jesus Christ
Fr. Donald Calloway: "The Virgin Mary: The Masterpiece of God" | SEEK2019
Fr. Donald Calloway in Chandler 2023 - Saturday September 2, 2023 - St. Juan Diego Church (the importance and role of St. Joseph)
Fr Donald Calloway - Spiritual Sword of Our Lady - Lubbock, TX
Guadalupe The Miracle and the Message (2015) Documentary Exclusive TV
History of the Rosary (7 October): No Other Prayer HasSo Many Miracles Attached to it
Is Calling Mary the Queen of Heaven Blasphemy? - Ask a Marian
MARIAN CONFERENCE - Keynote Presentation by Father Chris Alar MIC 08:00 LIVE
Mary's 10 Virtues in the Bible: You Will Get to Heaven! Explaining the Faith w/Fr. Chris Alar
Our Lady of Czestochowa & the Black Madonnas: Miraculous! Explaining the Faith w/Fr. Chris Alar
Our Lady of Fatima: History, the Five Prayers Given to the Children at Fatima, and Their Santhood)
Our Times Part 1: Our Lady's View of Our Times ~ Fr Ripperger (first of series)
The Miraculous Medal - Living Divine Mercy (EWTN) Ep. 168 w/ Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC
The Role of Mary: The Assumption and Coronation - Explaining the Faith
The Rosary: Not Vain, but Biblical (Part 1) - Explaining the Faith
The Rosary: Proof the Rosary is From Heaven (Part 2) - Explaining the Faith
Why is Mary so Important to Catholics? Biblical Roots of Marian Devotion | Dr. Brant Pitre
Fr Ripperger lectures:
(Fr. Chad Ripperger, PhD, is an exorcist, theologian, and philosopher, and an engaging lecturer on church doctrine.)
Fr. Chad Ripperger: Levels of Spiritual Warfare & Our Lady - January 25th 2024
Fr Ripperger on the Multiverse, Time, Transgenderism, Silence & a Modern Syllabus of Errors
Holiness Conference 1/5: What is Holiness? ~ Fr. Ripperger (first of series)
Living Through These Trying Times: Faith in Trials (Conference 1/5) ~ Fr. Ripperger (first of series)
Our Times Part 1: Our Lady's View of Our Times ~ Fr Ripperger (first of series)
Perfectionism Conference Part 1 ~ Fr Ripperger (first of series)
Series on Truth Part 1/3: What is Truth ~ Fr. Ripperger (first of series)
Spiritual Warfare and Marriage part 1/3 - Fr Ripperger (first of series)
Spiritual Theology Series: Fruits of the Holy Spirit ~ Fr Ripperger
Spiritual Theology Series: Gifts of the Holy Spirit ~ Fr Ripperger
The Lost Art of Communication & How to Become Better at It ~ Fr. Ripperger
Voices in Virtue Lectures: Fr. Chad Ripperger — Demonology Function & Psychology
What is Laziness, Sloth, & Workaholicism & Their Dangers ~ Fr. Ripperger
What is Marriage? ~ Fr Ripperger (series on Marriage 1 of 5) (first of series)
What to Do Before, During, & After Holy Communion ~ Fr. Ripperger
Wounds of Original Sin Conference II: Malice ~ Fr. Ripperger
Act of Contrition (article - 3 versions)
Divine Mercy Sunday Explained: How to Receive the Graces - Ask a Marian
Is the Hail Mary in the Bible? #AskFrJosh
Morning Offering (one version)
Divine Mercy in Song Prayer Room 24/7 🙏🏻The Chaplet of Divine Mercy in Song (Beautiful as prayer or background music)
Hail Mary, Gentle Woman | Carey Landry | Catholic Hymn | Choir (SATB) with Lyrics | Sunday 7pm Choir
Salve Regina (simple tone) | 450 voices – virtual choir | Catholic Music
Song of the Prayer of St. Benedict: CRUX SACRA SIT MIHI LUX (33x)
Supernatural Music Written by God on Mary's Shroud of Guadalupe in the Year 1531
Eucharistic Appreciation:
The Eucharist was first celebrated by Christ in the last Passover before his Passion. He gave us this way to be with him on Earth. Many Eucharistic miracles have been observed and even tested. The results confirm that consecrated Eucharist hosts are transfigured into the true body, blood, soul, and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. We should want him to be a part of us, but only worthily (without grave sin--get to confession!) and with the utmost respect or we commit another grave sin. Science has proven that Eucharistic miracles are consistent - only one set of chromosomes, type AB blood, signs of damaged heart tissue, etc. Below are some videos that discuss this.
Catholic priest explains: Protestants are not welcomed during mass at Catholic Church?
Fr. Mike Schmitz's full speech at the National Eucharistic Congress
What Is Transubstantiation & its History? Catholic Belief of the True Presence Explained
Catechism and Bible:
Genesis ~ Introduction to the Book of Genesis (first of series)
How Did We Come To Receive the Bible? | Fr Dan Reehil Homily for Sunday of the Word of God
They LIED to YOU, Jesus Had No Brothers | What History EXPOSES about Jesus's Family | Brant Pitre
Young Earth or Old Earth from a Catholic Perspective, with Dr. Kevin Mark | Creation Series #2
Catholic priest's advice: It's far worse if you allow this transgression to drag you to hell!
Hugh Owen: Sound Natural Science vs. Evolution-Based Scientism
Hugh Owen: Sound Natural Science vs. Evolution-Based Scientism - Evidence for the Flood
The 7 Capital Vices and Their Remedies | Fr. Josh Johnson | SEEK24
The Greatest Penance Nobody Wants To Do - Marian Friars Minor
Where are the Words "Catholic Church" in the Bible? NNC Podcast 01.10.2025
Why Are Catholics Built Like That? | Jesse Romero | 2024 SWC Conference
The Sins of Taking the Lord's Name in Vain, Vulgarities, and Cursing
You Will Never Use the Lord's Name in Vain Again After Watching This!
What to Do Before, During, & After Holy Communion ~ Fr. Ripperger
Catechism - Purgatory & Heaven & Hell:
Answering the Internet's Top Questions About Heaven, Hell, Death & Purgatory (w/ Fr. Ambrose Criste)
Are You Feeling Spiritually Empty? (It Could Be Good) | LITTLE BY LITTLE | Fr Columba Jordan CFR
Fr. Chris Alar, "Divine Mercy & Our Lady" - Special Guest Series- November 7th 2024
Proof of Purgatory part 1: Twenty-two Bible verses. (first of series)
#8 | Purgatory is Biblical, Common Sense, and in a Parable of Jesus
Saint Bridget: Jesus showed me HOW A SOUL IS JUDGED - what happens in detail!
Shocking Evidence from Purgatory: Here's Where You Can See the Signs Left by Souls! It's All True!
What Did Jesus Do in the Tomb and What "hell" Did He Descend to? Explaining the Faith
Q & A Jesse Romero & Sam Shamoun Deposit of Faith Conference!
The SEAMLESS ROBE That JESUS Wore Has NEVER Decayed! Is It Truly Indestructible?
A Catholic Priest's Advice: Do this to your guardian angel today
Feasts & Holy Days:
Padre Pio: What To Do When A Rosary Or Any Sacred Object Breaks? 🙏✝
Conversion Stories: I love conversion stories and have found so many beautiful stories of people touched by the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary, that I have to share the best ones.
Bishop Barron Presents | Shia LaBeouf - Padre Pio and the Friars
From Atheist To Protestant To Catholic YouTuber: Conversion Story
From Evangelical to CATHOLIC! (Anti-Catholic joins Catholic Church!)
From Protestant Surfer to Catholic Priest: A Powerful Conversion Story
Protestant Business Exec Becomes On-Fire Catholic | The Catholic Gentleman
Stupid things I said when I was Protestant. And what I would say now
Veil + Armour Podcast - Ep. 19. A Scientist's Catholic Conversion with Father Peter Turrone
Diabolic Lectures:
(Exorcists discourage an over-curiosity of the diabolic, but it's good to know how to avoid letting it into your life or to recognize it in your life. These are good for a basic understanding.)
50 Things Exorcists Want You To Know | The Battle against Satan and his demons
Fr. Chad Ripperger: Levels of Spiritual Warfare & Our Lady - January 25th 2024
IBT 2024: Msgr. Stephen Rossetti - Casting Out the Evil One from Our Lives
Michael and the Exorcist: "I saw her crawl up a wall" | Fr. Dan Reehil
Voices in Virtue Lectures: Fr. Chad Ripperger - Demonology Function & Psychology
Note: If you want to suggest a link or find any links that no longer work, please contact me to make additions or corrections.
* Denotes items not specifically Catholic but which are Christian resources.