Friday, August 2, 2024

Guadalupe The Miracle and the Message (2015) Documentary Exclusive TV

Our Lady's apparition in 1531 converted 9 MILLION South American natives from human sacrificing (demon) worship to baptism and faith in Her son, our Lord Jesus Christ in seven years!! We do not worship Mary but venerate her as the Immaculate Conception and ever virgin mother of God the Son, Jesus Christ. She leads us to Him aka "To Jesus through Mary" just as He came to us through her womb.

That is NOT the work of Satan but exactly what he hates. What's more, this occurred shortly after the protestant reformation of Martin Luther (1517), whose pride (from Satan) got the best of him and whose disobedience and heresy led many souls away from the true church of Christ and into hell.

For more on Our Lady of Guadalupe:

For more of an explanation of Mary's veneration as the Mother of God (the Son), daughter of God (the Father), and spouse of God (the Holy Spirit), go to my Faith Resources tab under the Marian Devotion section.

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