Only the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic church has the full authority to exorcise demons, even if it is made up of flawed individuals, hopefully all seeking to become saints. Look no further than the Bible to learn why--apostolic tradition: Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit on the apostles and gave them authority and they then ordained their successors as he ordained them and those successors ordained their successors and on and one through the years in an unbroken line to the church we have today, which is made up of priests like Fr. Dan Reehil, who have the authority to cast out demons in the name of Jesus Christ.
If you're still unsure, then realize that the church that Jesus established as his only church was the "church of all" or in Greek, the "ekklesia kath'holes" (source of the word katholikos... catholic). Jesus established His church, which compiled the Bible (73 books), and he established the sacraments, which are recorded in the gospels of the Bible. To reject any part of His teachings is to be disobedient; we don't get to choose what to accept and reject of God's law--to do so comes from pride and disobedience. Like our earthly parents, to love God is to honor and obey Him (and respect His natural law). Satan has faith in God, but that doesn't mean he's saved. His fall was a result of pride and disobedience. Faith without [good] works is dead.
Demons are real. Exorcism proves this.
That means hell is real.
This is identical to what this man reported of his NDE of hell. I believe I've posted this before, but it is valuable in reinforcing the reality of the horrors of hell, from which there is no escape. This life is fleeting and we get relief. In hell, there is no relief from the suffering. Once you're there, it is eternal damnation...
Keep in mind that God doesn't force us into hell. His mercy is boundless, but we must be contrite and repent of our sins to receive his mercy. Most of the souls in hell didn't believe it was real and lived without loving God (which means loving others, as we are ALL created in His image, from conception).
You can find these and more on my Faith Resources tab on this blog.
May your faith journey lead you to sanctity (to become a saint alive in heaven in the beatific vision of God's presence) so you can avoid the pains of hell.
God bless!
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