Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Announcements - website and writing update

The new website is finished! I enjoyed the old melanienilles.com but it was based on Wordpress, which hates me. I'm surprised it lasted almost two years before breaking.

This time, I decided to get a quote from someone I know who designs and hosts websites professionally. The last designer tried to make a business of it, but couldn't. I wish him well in whatever he does. I had to pay more for the new design, but it was worth it. I hope you enjoy it too. It has all the same basic features but in a little different style. You'll notice that I've kept the same header, which I also use on this blog. The image has become my brand. I'm sticking with that. I've even adapted it to my Amazon author page profile.

It only took me... twelve years to figure it out... and finding the right image. I don't like personal photos.

The new and improved melanienilles.com is ready for your perusal.

In other news, I am nearing the completion of Starfire Angels: Forgotten Worlds Book 13, SOUL SHADOW. It has been mostly flying through in writing with many days topping out at 2,000 words. Beyond that, my mind is done. I need a break. But that pace really carried me through. It currently has 42,600 words and will be finished between 46K and 50K words. I have a few big scenes, including the climax and denouement and that final stinger scene. I have an idea for that final scene, but nothing will live up to the stinger of Book 12, in my opinion. YMMV... I hope I satisfy you, the readers.

By now, you've had ten books to get to know the pattern of this series, my style, the characters, and the setting. I hope you're still enjoying it, because I have some big reveals and surprises coming that you'll want to hang around for. Some take longer to set up than others.

Soon, I'll finish my first draft of Book 13. It's about time to start looking for the right cover image. Then I need to jump into final edits of Book 11. If all goes well, I could have that out soon after Christmas.

Thanks for reading!

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