Sunday, November 2, 2014

Writing Status

I have been writing away on an old-is-new WIP that I started a few years ago and left off when it wasn't working for me any more. For some reason (the whim of my muse), I jumped from Nemesis to  this one. The last time I looked at it--last winter--I had some idea to redefine it as a four-book series, the Shadow Realm Saga. I'm still hammering out some details *coughincludingthetitlecough* but overall, I'm getting into it like I didn't when I started it. I guess the time is right.

I also made some changes in my life that have given me more peace of mind, allowing me to rest better at night. My creativity has blossomed like it hasn't in a long time. I am finding renewed life in my writing and my family.

Last of all, I'm awaiting a new cover for Fireblood by fantasy artist, Paul Davies. I hope to have a new cover reveal by Christmas. And maybe by then, I'll have a title for Book 1 of the Shadow Realm Saga.

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