Friday, April 21, 2023

Cover reveal - GHOSTS

I'm so close to finishing Starfire Angels: Forgotten Worlds Book 16!

I know it's been delayed, but that has been a good thing. Not only have I figured out the book's climax and how to resolve the plot, but I also have a title and cover.

It's been unusually difficult to write, and I couldn't figure out why I had issues with being able to focus until recently. Through much trial and error, I've figured out that I have a food intolerance that has been impeding my health, and that food item is included as a filler in my current prescription. I hope that switching to a different brand is the answer.

In the meantime, I have reached 40,000 words on Book 16, GHOSTS, and expect to finish by the end of this month and jump right into writing Book 17. I'm so excited to dive into that one! In fact, it's been a bit distracting and probably has had a small part in making Book 16 difficult to write.

Here it is, the cover of Book 16, GHOSTS:

Note: The blurb may change, but the cover is generally set.

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